Thursday, April 30, 2020

Farmer's Wife - Block 63

Ozark Maple Leaf

I think I am now getting this Paper Piecing method. Right now I need to ensure that I have a lot of fabric until I can get the visualization of how angles should appear.

As I'm trying to not get bored with these blocks or this quilt, I am not doing the blocks in order. Here is the next one I've completed so far. And YES it is 6.5"!

Farmer's Wife - Block 3


My very first paper piecing block. I got frustrated with this block but eventually got it. It took me a good hour if not more to just get one section done. I finally got it all complete but I cut it too small!  I need to ensure all my blocks are 6.5" so they are all the same size.

This first picture is of my first attempt which came out great, but I cut it too small. 

The second picture is the final block, cut to the correct size and with the appliqué handle added.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Farmer's Wife - Block 14

Butterfly at the Crossroads

Ok, this should have been an easy block but it wasn't! You don't know how many times I had to rip this sucker apart. Why do you ask? Because cutting the fabric was in 16ths instead of 8ths. My rulers didn't have the 16ths marks and so I had to try and cut it without this. Needless to say, this block today was challenging and my head hurts. But it is done!

Farmer's Wife - Block 48

Homeward Bound

I completed this a while ago.

Farmer's Wife - Block 9


I completed this a while ago.

Farmer's Wife - Block 7

Birds in the Air

I completed this a while ago.

Farmer's Wife - Block 6

Big Dipper

I had completed this a while ago.

Farmer's Wife - Block 4

Basket Weave

I had completed this a while ago.

Farmer's Wife - Block 2

Autumn Tints

I had completed this a while ago.

Farmer's Wife - Block 1

Attic Windows

I had completed this a while ago.

Dear Jane ON HOLD, Pandemic & Bring on the Farmer's Wife

So I have put the Dear Jane project ON HOLD for now, only until I get some Paper Piecing under my belt. I only have limited Dear Jane fabric and I don't want to waste it. I will be doing practice Paper Piecing until I feel very comfortable enough to work on Dear Jane. Still part of my goal for this year - at least to start it and do blocks frequently.

With this COVID-19 pandemic, I have been able to work on my list of quilt projects done - at least the tops that is. Mom has my stack for when I can go over and use the long arm to finish them. So far, here is what I have accomplished:

Las Cruces
Started: December 23, 2019
Top completed: January 5, 2020
Quilt finished: April 24, 2020
This quilt I had professionally quilted as I didn't feel comfortable doing it. I only have a few edge-to-edge patterns and I wanted the blocks to stand out. I am very happy with the finish of the quilt. One to be proud of for sure.

Quilts to be finished on the long arm. Pictures will be posted when they have been completed.

Warrior Quilt
Started: February 22, 2020
Top completed: March 4, 2020

Hearts Baby Quilt
Started: March 7, 2020
Top completed: March 15, 2020

Turtle Baby Quilt
Started: March 16, 2020
Top completed: March 21, 2020

Schnibblers Quilt (in Japanese fabric)
Started: March 23, 2020
Top completed: April 5, 2020

Baby Eye Spy Quilt
Started: April 7, 2020
Top completed: April 20, 2020

1930's Plus and Cross Quilt
Started: April 15, 2020
Top completed: still in progress

Horse Baby (or lap) Quilt
Started: April 21, 2020
Top completed: April 27, 2020

Farmer's Wife Quilt
Started: April 29, 2020
Top completed: April 27, 2020

Onto the Farmer's Wife (1920's) quilt! 
I have a few blocks completed already so will post these plus the new ones as I get them done.

I will be doing all 111 blocks in scraps so the outcome should be interesting. Here is what the original quilt looks like. Can't wait to see what mine when it is completed!