Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring snow and fall

Well we had a spring snow storm last night. Lucy loves playing in the snow and running around like a crazy dog possessed. She likes to run real fast and then slide it in. She's weird.

This morning at 1:35am Lucy had to go outside so I took her and Snoopy out. It was still snowing and the porch and stairs were covered in snow. I have my boots on and jacket ready to go pick up poo before Lucy starts having a way to early morning snack when I slipped on the stairs to the grass. Thankfully there are only 2 stairs. I tried to right myself and grabbed the rail with my right hand but that didn't help. I went crash, slid on my butt down the final stair, landed on my back between the shoulder blades on the stair and came to a screeching stop on the ground. Ok this is embarrassing but I had to pee and yup, I peed myself. Ok you can laugh as I did!

The beags came to see if I was alright and if they could help - thanks Lucy but jumping on me when I'm laying in the wet snow doesn't constitute helping!

I get up and take the girls back into the house. So my right hand has the skin torn where the fingers join the palm and is a little bruised & swollen. How do you bandage that up? Guess I'll have to make a glove type bandage and put some silver cream on it to make it start healing.

In July of last year I did a similar tumble but this was down the stairs into the basement. That time I did whack my head and had a concussion. I was off work for a month and so I'm very weary of my fragile skull.

I went back to bed and am all ok. I thought I'd be stiffer but the only thing that really hurts is my hand. I'll be taking it easy today. Today is a "PJ and snooze on the couch as much as Lucy will let me" day.

I haven't had time lately to quilt so again I'm sad to say my 2010 Quilt Block of the day project is on hold. Besides Lucy, it has been crazy insanely busy at work. Last year I was complaining about nothing to do! This will teach me to keep my big mouth shut.