Monday, December 17, 2007

Stories from Mom's Childhood

I was talking with mom on the weekend and she told me two stories I thought I better write down before they got lost.

Story #1
When mom was in school (before grade 9) she went to a one room schoolhouse. It had grades 1-8 in it. She remembers that every Christmas they would always put on a Christmas pageant. They would sing and put on plays for their parents. She said that 2 weeks before Christmas men would come and build a stage, blocking the chalkboards for the teacher. They would sing songs and then Santa came, giving each of them 1 gift and a bag of candy.

She also had a teacher who was always cold and wore a sweater. One day Aunt Judy asked this teacher if she could put on her sweater as she was cold. The teacher told her NO. Mom then said to Judy - "Go put on your sweater". At that point the teacher told mom to leave as she was expelled.

Mom ran all the way home and told Grandma what happened. Grandma drove mom back to school and had words with the teacher. She said that if anyone was cold they could put on their sweaters. Mom was back in her seat and no longer expelled. What a bad seed! :)

Story #2
Mom remembers having a dog named Collie. It was about 1 year old when it came to live with them. A neighbour had bought the dog and came for a visit. The dog latched onto mom and wouldn't leave so the neighbour said "It looks like you got yourself a dog Alice".

I guess it was a very smart dog. When Grandma was gathering the pails to go milk the cows, the dog would go and round up all the cows and bring them home. It learnt this by watching mom and the others go get the cattle when Grandma got the milk pails.

This dog was also a good watchdog. If there was no one on the farm, the dog would wait in the driveway for them to return home. One of the farm pictures has this dog standing in the driveway waiting for them to come home.

Collie lived a long life and when it got older and couldn't walk, Grandma took it to the woods and shot it. She did this one day when mom was at school because the dog was in pain.

This brought tears to mom's eyes when she told me this story. She said it was the best dog ever.