Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Aunt Phyllis & Uncle Ken leave

Aunt Phyllis was to depart around 9:30ish in the morning. Just as some of us were heading to the Buffet for breakfast. So we all sit around and wait for her to leave. It was fun having her here and I'm sure the Casino will miss her presence as well.

Typical Ken style - he checks out of his room and is sitting on the beach until he has to leave. We turn around later and he is gone. No fancy farewell for him - sneaks out like a ninja.

Like any other day after hitting the beach and before having to shower for dinner, we end up in the pool bar for a few beverages.

And to catch up with everyone to see how their day went and what was in store for the evening.

Ah, the life.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Beach Boy

We were sitting on the beach and who comes up the beach, but the guy who grabbed me to take my picture again. Yes he did place my hand on his ass - honest!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Caribbean Hottie!

Aunt Phyllis, Uncle Ken, Mom, Dad & I checked out the Punta Cana side of the resort and I was grabbed by this guy to get my picture taken. The next day I went to the Pueblo and found the photo shop. There we found my picture with my new honey!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Outback Safari Adventure

Today was the first of two excursions we have booked. We are going on the Outback Safari Adventure - a full day of fun and adventure.
We were picked up in an open top truck and were the last to be picked up. Our tour guide - Alex - went over the rules of the tour. We wre read a list of instructions, but the most important was that we had to ensure we kept our hands, limbs and heads inside the vehicle. The other important point was that when kids came running up to the truck, we didn't throw anything out for them as the tour did not want the kids to become beggars whenever they saw their trucks.

So off we went - driving on the narrow, bumpy roads. Kinda reminded me on Winnipeg (except a better climate, better people....). There were holes all over the place. The truck had to swerve many times and I'm amazed that we were able to keep our kidneys intact.

The tour started out with Alex asking Papi for his drivers license. So out comes a bottle of Dominican Rum through the back window and is passed down the truck to Alex. Alex takes orders and starts bar tending. It was funny how he did it. He had two coolers full of pop, water and beer. So he would open a bottle of pop and while standing on the back bumper would pour out half of the pop over his shoulder onto the road as the truck kept going. He would then pour the Rum into the pop bottle and we'd pass the drink to whomever ordered it. All it needed was to be tipped upside down to mix it and away you go! We drove through the countryside and came upon a large lot that looked like it had just been paved. It was black and glistening in the sun. This was actually coffee drying in a field.The tour is very environmental friendly and helps out the local people. They sponsor various families and take turns touring their homes to show their way of life (the families get some money for doing this). Our first stop was at a home and we were able to see their way of life. Everyone paints their houses and the colours have to do with religion. I forget what colours are meant for which saint. The country side is covered with greens, pinks, yellows and blues. Very simple and beautiful but very comfortable as well.Their houses are mainly bedrooms, living areas and dining areas. They cook, clean and have outside washrooms.Like every family, they have banana trees around their houses for food. It takes the trees 9 months to grow and have edible bananas again. Once they flower and all the bananas are off the tree, they cut the tree down. They grow from the root and 9 months later - VOILA - a mature tree with bananas growing again. So back into the truck we go and off to our next stop. We came to a local store where they sold Rum, knickknacks and cigars. Not many people know this but a lot of Cuban cigars are made in the Dominican. We were able to see cigars being made and rolled.

We then headed off to a local farm where they gave us a talk about the coffee, vanilla and chocolate they grew and sold. It was interesting to see things first hand and to try a little bit of everything. We also got to try sugar cane.

We had driven by a few schools as well. The kids only go half days but they all wear uniforms. It was very nice to see kids dressed up all the same and with smiles on their faces going to learn.
It was a nice break but we were off to a local ranch where we would have lunch. We arrived, got off the trucks and were taken on a short walk to see some birds and a small pond. When we got to the cookout, we were greeted by a small local band playing music. There were a lot of tables made out - all covered with table cloths, cutlery and napkins. Lunch was buffet style so we got in line. The food was great and they were cooking everything on a barbeque. It was delicious.

After lunch we had an opportunity to walk around and go through the local shop that you could buy rum, larimar, cigars, etc. In front of this shop there were paintings laying out for our viewing pleasure and we could purchase them if we wanted.

Back into the truck we went and off to a secluded beach. This beach is unspoilt and was beautiful. Of course there were a few vendors out there who setup tables to sell their wares. The waves were big and we had the opportunity to boogy board if we wanted to. All the guides from the various trucks were out in the water as there was a little bit of an undertow so they kept people from going to far.

Our adventure ended back at our resort and we all had a wonderful day. The sites and sounds of the Dominican countryside is something we'll never forget.

Papi (driver) and Alex (tour guide)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Welcome to Punta Cana

Today was our first day in PARADISE! The weather is perfect, the resort is perfect, the location is perfect and the beach is perfect. What more can I say?

We started out the day finding our way around as we came in last night and it was dark. This resort is a lot like the one in Mexico so I don't see us having any problems. We are Premier guests which means we basically can go and do anything, anywhere. The resort is huge as they have shuttle buses to take us to the beach and different pools along the way.
Our first trip to the beach was fun. Mom was excited about going into the ocean, but she needed some help. She got a little scared when her feet didn't touch the bottom, drank a little bit of ocean water when the waves came over but otherwise had a blast.
Today's famous quote by my mother - "Why does the water taste so salty?"

After being on the beach for most of the day, mom decided that we needed to hit all the pool bars on the way back to our rooms. So the first annual Pool Bar Pub Crawl began. With Rod's high school friend - Brian Ludwig - and his girlfriend Karen, we started the long journey back to our rooms. First pool bar was just a taste of what the day was going to be like. Mom, dad, Jacki, Brian, Karen & I had our first drink. The bartenders like to make the drinks heavy with booze and light with mix.

By the time we ended up in our Premier Club pool bar, I was feeling good - along with everyone else. We had fun going to all 4 pool bars, mom flashing people as the towel around her started dropping.... it was a very interesting day. We had to be back at our rooms as we were having our first dinner at one of the restaurants - a BBQ by the beach. Needless to say, we were all tipsy for dinner and by the time we headed back to the main lobby we were ready for bed.