Sunday, December 18, 2005

Countdown to going home...

Well I'm back from Vancouver. It was really nice there - the weather was only about -4 degrees but it was sunny, sunny, sunny. I think that was the first time that I've ever been to Vancouver when it was nice and sunny out.

I'm looking forward to going home this Friday and being in Alberta for a week. Not just because I'm going shopping with no PST! but I hope to see a lot of friends.

We've had a lot of snow since I've left and I went to shovel the front sidewalk, but the city had come by and did it for me. Poor girls are going stir crazy as it is too cold and the snow is too deep for them.

Not much else going on. Just trying to keep warm and stay happy.

Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Dana's Christmas Tree

Step 1 - I missed the "fluffing" of the tree. Plus putting on the 750 lights. I did help with the final placing of the pearl strings. It really is a nice tree - very full and you can only tell it is fake if you are right up close.

Step 2 - Putting on the bows and inside glass balls.

Step 3 - More glass balls.

Step 4 - Yet more glass balls.

Step 5 - Finished!

Another view.

DONE! Picture would look a little better if it was darker. Tree is very beautiful.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Dana & Valerie's Horrible Adventure

Ok, Dana and I had a wonderful weekend planned. This was the weekend we both took off work and were going to go down to the States for some shopping (on Saturday) and relaxation. I'd get time to spend with my future sister-in-law (yes Aunt Judy, I'm working on her for Rod!), we'd do some shopping and not work one weekend. On Sunday I planned to go over to Dana's house to help her put her tree up. She says its a 7 hour event, so we'll see.

Friday night Dana came over for dinner and we sat around and organized everything for the trip. We ate dinner, watched a movie and she was ready to go home. That is when it happened. Her car would not start. No matter what we tried, it would not start. It was not her battery as everything came on. At first we thought the gas line had frozen, but it really wasn't that cold. We came back into the house and phoned for a tow truck. The driver was supposed to be at my place in less than 60 minutes.

Two hours later he came and asked what the problem was. Dana said it would not start or turn over. So the guy got in the car and it turned over! We were stumped. We had tried several different times and nothing happened for us. So Dana went home and I told her to call me when she got in the door just in case something happened on the road. She called me just after 1 am as she arrived safely.

So Saturday was a bust. Dana had to take her car in and we stayed up too late to be able to drive to the States. I stayed home with the girls and we watched movies all day long. Dana and I arrange for me to go over to her house for the huge Christmas decorating event on Sunday.

Sunday comes, I pack my things up and put the girls in the car. I get in and turn the car over - NOTHING HAPPENS! I could not believe it but this time the battery was dead. I got the car boosted and off we went.

I only spent half the day helping Dana put up her tree, but it came together nicely. I did take pictures and will post them later on.

We are HOPING next weekend to do the States trip for shopping, so let's keep our fingers crossed.

I'm going to Vancouver in two weeks and then it is HOLIDAYS! I can't wait. I'll be in Calgary for the week between Christmas and New Years.